
Annual Scholars Reception

Each fall, OISS invites visiting faculty, researchers, 博士后学生和他们的家人聚在一起建立人际关系并特别欢迎来到这所大学. 赞助访问学者的电子游戏软件教师也被热烈邀请参加.

Career & Employment Series

认识到国际学生的合法就业程序可能特别复杂, OISS与职业中心和不列颠哥伦比亚省的学校和部门合作,赞助了一个专注于美国职业教育的系列研讨会.S. 简历写作、工作授权流程、面试、毕业后的选择等等.

Conversation Partners Program

对话伙伴项目(CPP)是一个为希望与BC社区成员练习英语会话技能的国际电子游戏正规平台生提供的项目. CPP helps connect students with faculty, staff, and administrators from across the university in conversation, cultural exchange, and friendship.

Families & Spouses Social Series

Throughout the academic year, OISS与电子游戏正规平台生生活办公室合作,为在美国的电子游戏正规平台生或访问学者举办一系列社交活动.S. by spouses and families. Moving to a new place, not to mention a new country, with your family can be a difficult adjustment, and the Family & 配偶社会系列旨在将整个大学的家庭聚集在一起.

Graduate Student Discussion Group

电子游戏正规平台生讨论小组有三个目的:汇集来自不同学院和部门的国际电子游戏正规平台生, 为进一步发展英语会话技能提供一个舒适的环境, 并为国际电子游戏正规平台生提供持续的培训支持. Grad Discussion is held once a week throughout the academic years, and covers such topics as the US higher education system, American holidays and events, student support services, and more! The program is co-sponsored by OISS, the Office of Graduate Student Life, and the Connors Family Learning Center.

Graduate Student Wellness Group

The International Graduate Student Wellness Group is co-sponsored by OISS, the Office of Graduate Student Life and University Counseling Services. 该小组为电子游戏正规平台生提供了一个安全的空间来分享和讨论如何适应美国的生活, academic stressors, family issues, and more. 讨论由一名在林奇教育学院学习心理健康咨询的电子游戏正规平台生在大学咨询服务的一名成员的监督下进行.

Graduation Reception

庆祝他们在电子游戏软件期间取得的诸多成就, OISS邀请学生和他们的家人参加一年一度的国际学生毕业招待会. 有关活动的信息将在春季学期发送到毕业学生的BC电子邮件

International Assistants Program

电子游戏软件的旗舰国际助理(IA)项目成立于1980年, 为了满足不断增长的国际本科生的需求. 该项目为每一位即将电子游戏软件的国际一年级学生和转学生配上一位高年级学生导师, an International Assistant for their first semester. IA项目旨在帮助新的国际学生适应电子游戏软件的生活, the City of Boston, and American life in general, especially during the crucial first months on-campus.

International Education Week

由美国国务院和教育部于2000年发起, 电子游戏软件周(IEW)强调提高对世界多种文化的认识和认识的重要性, peoples, and languages. 它肯定了电子游戏软件电子游戏软件和世界各地发挥的关键作用. IEW每年11月举行,是由电子游戏软件众多部门和办公室共同组织的, 在国际学生学者办公室和国际项目办公室的指导下工作.

International Student Orientation

International Student Orientation is a three-day program held each fall. The program is required for all freshman undergraduate and exchange students, and is strongly recommended for all new graduate international students. 国际学生迎新活动旨在补充由一年级体验办公室或个别学校和学术部门安排的其他迎新活动. 国际学生迎新会包括来自学校各个办公室的演讲, 提供有关国际学生在电子游戏软件体验的有用信息, 并允许新的国际学生在校内和校外的社交活动中相互认识.

2023 International Student Orienation

(August 22 -August 24) 


Freshmen & Undergraduate transfers on student visas who went to school outside of the U.S. and are matched with International Assistants, please RSVP below and click here for your Orientation Schedule

Freshmen & Undergradute transfers who attended school in the US OR who are US citizens living abroad, please RSVP below and click here for your Orientation Schedule

Undergraduate Exchange students, please RSVP below and click here for your Orientation Schedule

电子游戏正规平台生(包括LLM交换生),请在下面回复并点击这里 Orientation Schedule

Learn to Pronounce Chinese Names

你是否在校园里与中国学生交流,并希望自己能试着正确地念出他们的名字? Join OISS and the Boston College Slavic & 作为东方语系教员介绍基本的汉语发音. 这个一年一度的电子游戏软件周活动对所有BC学生、教师和工作人员开放.

Thanksgiving Host Program

感恩节接待计划将国际学生与美国接待家庭配对,让他们在BC大学教师的家中度过感恩节, staff or administrator. 参加季节性活动是了解美国文化的重要途径. Thanksgiving is traditionally a time for Americans to be with their family, to remember their good fortune, and to be thankful for all that they have. Participants find it to be a fun and interesting way to exchange ideas, customs, and other cross-cultural issues.

Undergraduate Student Discussion Group

本科学生讨论小组有三个目的:汇集来自不同学院和部门的国际电子游戏正规平台生, 为进一步发展英语会话技能提供一个舒适的环境, 并为国际本科生提供持续的电子游戏软件支持. Undergraduate Discussion is held bi-weekly throughout the academic years, and covers such topics as the US higher education system, American holidays and events, student support services, and more! The program is co-sponsored by OISS & The Office of International Programs.

Youtube Videos

请点击[OISS Youtube视频]浏览和探索其他OISS录制的资源. 

Discussion Topics:

  • Counseling Services 
  • Office of Health Promotion
  • Office of Student Involvement
  • O'Neill Library Services 
  • Strategies for Building Confidence & Meaningful Class Contribution 
  • Student Outreach & Support Services 
  • What is Academic Writing?  

全球参与办公室和国际学生和学者办公室合作,突出我们的国际学者的多样化工作. 这个月度系列给了学者们一个机会,向更大的BC校园社区展示他们的电子游戏正规平台