Our professional organization, the National Association of International Educators (NAFSA), 相信和OISS确认:“电子游戏软件促进学习和奖学金, 培养不同背景和观点的人之间的理解和尊重, is essential for developing globally competent individuals, and builds leadership for the global community. 我们相信,电子游戏软件是一个以和平为特征的相互联系的世界的核心, security, and well-being for all.”

因此,OISS的使命与电子游戏软件2017年战略计划直接一致, specifically strategic direction IV, 其中写道:“增加大学在波士顿市的存在和影响, the United States, and around the globe.”

国际学生和学者办公室的使命是与更大的BC社区合作,帮助确保国际学生和学者的学术和个人成功, and their families, at Boston College. The OISS provides information, support, 以及帮助国际学生和学者在课堂内外实现目标的服务. OISS旨在提高对国际学生和学者需求的认识, promote intercultural competency across campus, 并为电子游戏软件的国际社会提供更多支持.

The OISS must be knowledgeable and updated on all immigration regulations, 与国际学生和学者有关的政策和程序,并将其传达给国际人群, as well as relevant faculty and administrators, in a timely and effective manner. OISS确保电子游戏软件符合美国联邦政府对这一人口的所有要求.S. Department of State and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

外空司坚信,充分支持其国际社会是整个机构的责任. 因此,OISS与整个大学的学术和学生事务伙伴合作,提供资源, services, 以及为国际学生和学者提供的项目,帮助他们成功融入电子游戏软件的校园. The OISS also offers opportunities for international students and scholars, and members of the BC community, 参与有意义的对话和互动,从而增加跨文化的好奇心和理解.


Adrienne Nussbaum

Director/Associate Dean

Susan Shea

Associate Director

David Zhao

Assistant Director


Kayla Potter

International Student Advisor

Nicole Piechocki

International Student Advisor

Laura Graham

International Advising Assistant