
去 2012年照片 »

讲师jeff Lamoureux 有一篇即将发表的文章 Journal of Experimental 心理学: Animal Behavior Processes suggesting that a violation of previously learned information may cause people to pay more attention to their surrounding environment. Jef will also present these findings at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association.

Gorica Petrovich助理教授 被授予2012年Alan N. Epstein 电子游戏正规平台 Award from the  Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior. This award honors an individual for a specific research discovery that has advanced the underst和ing of ingestive behavior. The letter of nomination states: “Gorica’s work combines cutting-edge behavioral analyses with high-resolution neuroanatomical techniques to provide unique insights into the way that external cues can influence feeding behavior through learning. This work is of high significance 和 novelty because it provides a rigorous experimental foundation for underst和ing how cognitive processes in the telencephalon can interface with circuits in the hypothalamus 和 hindbrain to control feeding behavior.” Gorica will be travelling to Zurich to accept the award 和 make a presentation on her research.

我们很高兴地宣布这一点 情感评论,编辑: 吉姆·罗素, has been selected for coverage in Thomson Reuter’s products 和 services.

厄休拉安德森, 莎拉·科迪斯实验室的博士后, was awarded an NSF SBE Minority 博士后电子游戏正规平台人员hip to study relational concepts in infancy.

克里斯蒂娜Reppucci, 博士生, 和 Gorica Petrovich助理教授 report in their forthcoming paper in Appetite, “Learned food-cue stimulates persistent feeding in sated rats,” that learned cues can repeatedly stimulate binge-like consumption of food regardless of physiological hunger state, 和 that increased consumption following the cue is uncompensated for in total daily food intake.

约旦Theriault, graduate student in Liane Young's lab, was awarded a 电子游戏正规平台生奖学金 from the Natural Sciences 和 工程 电子游戏正规平台 Council of Canada (NSERC).

香农Snapp, Ph.D. 2010 和 now a postdoctoral fellow at University of Arizona, has just published an article (with 电子游戏软件 Assistant Professor Ehri Ryu) on body image resilience. She reports that a variety of factors contribute to positive body image in young women: high family support, low levels of perceived sociocultural pressure about the thin 和 beautiful ideal, 对女超人理想的拒绝, 积极的应对技巧. Results can inform prevention of eating disorders 和 suggest interventions to improve body dissatisfaction 和 initial maladaptive eating practices.

香农Snapp, Laura Hensley-Choate, Ehri Ryu. A Body Image Resilience Model for First-Year College Women性别角色, 2012; DOI: 10.1007/s11199-012-0163-1

卡洛琳史密斯, Alexa Veenema实验室的电子游戏正规平台生, has been awarded a National Science Foundation 电子游戏正规平台电子游戏正规平台 Fellowship for her research on the neural mechanisms regulating social novelty-seeking. 几种人类社会失调(如.g. autism) are characterized by impaired social novelty-seeking, but the neural mechanisms underlying social novelty-seeking are poorly understood. Caroline has developed a new behavioral test to study, 第一次, the neural network that mediates social novelty-seeking 和 the role of prosocial neuropeptides vasopressin 和 oxytocin in this network.

助理教授Liane Young 加入编辑委员会 心理科学 2012年1月.

助理教授Liane Young has been awarded a three-year grant from the Dana Foundation to study the cognitive 和 neural basis of atypical social 和 moral cognition in high functioning autism. She was also selected as a Dana Neuroscience Scholar, which provides her with additional funding for this project.

一本新书, Categorical versus Dimensional Models of Affect的电子游戏正规平台 詹姆斯·拉塞尔 和 Jaak Panksepp: "In this volume Panksepp 和 Russell each articulate their positions on eleven fundamental questions about the nature of affect followed by a discussion of these target papers by noted emotion theorists 和 researchers. Russell 和 Panksepp respond both to each other 和 to the commentators. The discussion leads to some stark contrasts, 双方都有强有力的论据, 和 some interesting convergences between the two streams of work."

塔利亚戈尔茨坦, Ph.D. 2010, 艾伦·温纳的学生, accepts a tenure track Assistant Professorship in the Department of 心理学 at Pace University in New York City. This follows her NSF postdoctoral fellowship at Yale working with Paul Bloom.

詹妮弗·德雷克 和 玛丽Kayyal 都被提名为唐纳德. 2011-12年度白人教学优秀奖.

丹尼尔Stolzenberg, Ph.D. 2009, 迈克尔·努曼的学生, has been offered a tenure track Assistant Professorship in the Department of 心理学 at University of California, 戴维斯.

安妮Krendl, a post-doctoral fellow advised by Elizabeth Kensinger from 2010 until the present, accepts tenure track position in the 心理学 Department at Indiana University, 布卢明顿.

克里斯汀林奎斯特, Ph.D. 2010, 丽莎·费尔德曼·巴雷特的前学生, accepts a tenure track Assistant Professorship in the Department of 心理学, 北卡罗来纳大学, 教堂山分校.

凯瑟琳·米克利·斯坦梅茨 获得Ph值.D. in 2011 from 电子游戏软件, working with Elizabeth Kensinger. 她有三个工作机会, 和 has accepted a tenure track position as an Assistant Professor in the Department of 心理学 at Wofford College in Spartanburg, 南卡罗来纳.